
Joel Grimes 

Independant Photographer


Joel graduated from the University of Arizona in 1984 with a BA in Photography and soon established a commercial studio in Denver, Colorado. Joel has been selected as one of Canon's exclusive Lightseeker photographers. For over 35 years, Joel has worked for many of the world's leading advertising agencies and companies. Over the years, his responsibilities have taken him to every state in the United States and fifty countries around the world. In 1990, Joel produced his first illustrated book, Portrait of a Navajo Man, which won several photography and design awards and was held for 18 years at the Smithsonian American History Museum in Washington, D.C. Monthly solo exhibition of 60 prints.

My Courses


—  Joel Grimes 

Engaging with the creative process from start to finish can be a rewarding and beneficial practice for photographers. This comprehensive course will illustrate why and how doing your own retouching can be advantageous for your career, especially for 99.9% of all commercial work. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an aspiring enthusiast, the ability to handle post-production yourself can offer numerous advantages. One of the key benefits of doing your own retouching is the immediacy it brings to your workflow. Once a photoshoot wraps up, you can delve straight into the post-production process without the need to wait for a retoucher. This allows you to have control over the timing and pace of your work, and it can also save considerable costs, especially when working on portfolio pieces or on a tight budget. Beyond practicalities, there's an element of branding and recognition that's tied to doing your own retouching. In the highly competitive world of photography, having a distinct style and visual language can help you stand out from the crowd. When you handle your own retouching, you're able to maintain consistent aesthetics across all your images. This helps to build and solidify your brand, making your work easily recognizable in the marketplace. This consistent look and feel can go a long way in cultivating your unique brand identity and can contribute to a successful career in photography. But, the benefits of doing your own retouching extend beyond practical considerations and branding. At the heart of it all, photography is an art. There's a profound sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in seeing a project through from start to finish. This course underscores that photography isn't just about capturing a moment, but it's also about crafting and refining that moment in the post-production process. For many, retouching isn't just a technical process; it's an art form in and of itself. It gives you the opportunity to fine-tune your images, add personal touches, and truly make your photographs your own. It's where you can adjust lighting, enhance colors, correct blemishes, and make countless other tweaks that can elevate your image to new heights. Learning to do your own retouching gives you a broader set of skills, making you not just a photographer, but a well-rounded visual artist. With these skills, you'll have complete creative control over your work. You'll be able to realize your vision precisely as you see it, without having to rely on others to interpret your ideas. This can lead to a deeper connection with your work, and it gives you the ability to take full ownership of your projects. Through this course, you will acquire the skills and techniques necessary for professional-level retouching. You'll be guided through practical exercises and tutorials, giving you the opportunity to put what you learn into practice. By the end of the course, you'll be well-equipped to take charge of your own retouching process, whether for commercial work, portfolio building, or personal projects. In sum, the reasons to do your own retouching are many, ranging from cost and time efficiency, brand consistency, to creative satisfaction. By the end of this course, you'll have gained not only the technical skills to retouch your own work but also a deeper appreciation for the art of photography as a holistic process. Embrace the journey of creation from start to finish, and let this course guide you through every step of the way.



—  Joel Grimes 

Renowned photographer Joel Grimes' One Light Masterclass is a comprehensive course that provides a deep dive into the art and craft of one-light photography. This course goes far beyond simply teaching the technical aspects of photography and instead emphasizes the creative process, providing students with the tools they need to develop their unique artistic vision. Joel Grimes is a highly respected photographer who has worked in the industry for over thirty years. He's known for his distinctive style and his ability to create stunning images with just a single light source. In this masterclass, he shares his expertise and knowledge, taking you through the techniques that he has developed and honed throughout his career. The course begins by breaking down the philosophy behind one-light photography. Grimes emphasizes that with one light, you have the ability to create dramatic, impactful images that tell a story. He challenges the notion that more equipment equals better photos, asserting that understanding and mastering one light can give you a profound control over your imagery. Next, the course delves into the technical aspects of one-light photography. Here, Grimes discusses the different types of light sources, including natural light and artificial light, and how to effectively use them in your work. He teaches you how to manipulate and control light using different modifiers and techniques, such as feathering and bouncing light. Grimes also spends a significant portion of the course discussing the essential gear for one-light photography. He introduces you to the various equipment, including light stands, modifiers, diffusers, and reflectors. While the course does discuss specific gear, Grimes emphasizes that it's not the gear itself that makes a great photo, but rather how you use it. The One Light Masterclass also includes practical demonstrations where Grimes takes you through several real-life photoshoots. These sessions allow you to see the techniques and principles discussed in the course applied in practice. He walks you through his process, from setting up the light to directing the model, allowing you to gain insight into his methodology and approach. A significant focus of the course is on post-production, where Grimes shares his expert retouching and editing techniques. He demonstrates how he uses editing software like Adobe Photoshop to enhance his images, showing you how to bring out the best in your photos. Throughout the course, Grimes emphasizes the importance of developing your unique artistic vision. He believes that technique and gear are just tools to serve your creativity. As such, he encourages you to experiment, take risks, and push the boundaries of what is possible with one-light photography. In addition to providing technical instruction, the course also offers advice on the business side of photography. Grimes shares his insights on how to navigate the industry, build a portfolio, and market your work effectively. In the One Light Masterclass, Joel Grimes offers a comprehensive guide to mastering one-light photography. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to refine your skills or an amateur wanting to take your photography to the next level, this course provides the tools, knowledge, and inspiration to help you achieve your creative goals. You'll walk away with a deeper understanding of the art of photography, and the confidence to create compelling, powerful images using just one light



—  Joel Grimes 

Joel Grimes' Dramatic Portrait Masterclass is an extensive course offering detailed insight into the craft of creating compelling, dramatic portraits. This course isn't just about technical skills; it's also about exploring the artistic side of photography and developing a unique style that helps your work stand out. Joel Grimes is a seasoned photographer with more than three decades of experience. Known for his dramatic and visually stunning portraits, Grimes offers a wealth of knowledge that he has accumulated throughout his successful career in this masterclass. The course begins by addressing the fundamentals of dramatic portrait photography. Grimes provides an understanding of the elements that contribute to a compelling portrait, such as light, composition, and emotion. He highlights the importance of storytelling in portraiture and encourages students to think deeply about the story they want their images to convey. Following this, the course delves into the technical aspects of creating dramatic portraits. Grimes offers in-depth instruction on lighting setups, explaining how to use different types of light and modifiers to shape and enhance the subject. He also explores how to use the quality, direction, and color of light to create mood and drama. Gear selection is another significant part of the course. Grimes provides a thorough overview of the essential equipment required for portrait photography, including cameras, lenses, lighting equipment, and modifiers. He advises on how to choose the right gear for your needs but emphasizes that understanding how to use this equipment effectively is more important than the gear itself. The course includes live demonstrations where Grimes takes you through a complete portrait shoot, from conceptualization to post-production. These sessions give you a chance to see his techniques in action. You'll observe how he interacts with models, directs poses, and manipulates lighting to create the desired effect. One of the most critical parts of the masterclass is dedicated to post-processing techniques. Grimes guides you through his workflow in Adobe Photoshop, demonstrating how he uses the software to enhance his images and create his signature look. He covers a range of techniques, from basic adjustments to advanced retouching and compositing. Apart from the practical aspects, the course also encourages personal artistic development. Grimes urges students to discover their unique artistic vision and to push the boundaries of their creativity. He discusses his journey as a photographer and shares the lessons he learned along the way to inspire and motivate students. The Dramatic Portrait Masterclass also addresses the business aspects of professional photography. Grimes provides guidance on building a strong portfolio, marketing your work, and sustaining a successful career in photography. He shares his experiences and provides actionable advice on navigating the competitive industry. In Joel Grimes' Dramatic Portrait Masterclass, you'll learn much more than just how to take a good portrait. You'll gain insights into the artistic process, learn how to develop a unique style, and acquire the skills needed to create stunning, dramatic portraits. Whether you're a professional photographer looking to elevate your work or an enthusiast keen to enhance your skills, this course promises to transform your approach to portrait photography.



—  Joel Grimes 

Joel Grimes' Beauty Portrait Masterclass is an in-depth, comprehensive course designed to educate photographers on the art and technique of creating exquisite beauty portraits. Led by renowned photographer Joel Grimes, this masterclass delves into both the practical and artistic aspects of beauty photography, equipping learners with the skills and knowledge they need to capture stunning, high-quality images. Joel Grimes brings to this course over 30 years of experience in the industry. Known for his distinctive style and profound understanding of light and composition, Grimes offers a unique opportunity for photographers to learn and refine their skills under his guidance. The course starts by laying the groundwork of understanding the principles of beauty photography. Grimes discusses the essence of beauty and how to perceive it through the lens. This includes the art of making subjects comfortable and capturing their inner beauty, alongside their physical attributes. Grimes then ventures into the technicalities of photography. He delves into lighting configurations and guides students on how to utilize various types of lights and modifiers to enhance their subject's features. He elucidates on how to adjust the intensity, direction, and color of light to achieve specific moods and effects. Understanding the appropriate gear for beauty photography is another critical focus of the course. Grimes thoroughly reviews necessary equipment, ranging from cameras and lenses to lighting equipment and accessories. He provides insights on how to select the right gear according to the needs of the shoot but emphasizes the significance of mastering these tools over simply owning them. The course incorporates several live demonstrations, where Grimes takes students through the entire process of a beauty portrait shoot. These sessions are crucial to understanding how Grimes works with models, manipulates lighting, and transforms an ordinary scene into an extraordinary beauty portrait. Post-processing is another key segment of the masterclass. Here, Grimes shares his techniques and workflow in Adobe Photoshop. He demonstrates how to touch-up skin, adjust colors, and add final enhancements to make images truly stand out. His advanced techniques in retouching and compositing are also showcased, allowing students to understand how to perfect their images in post-production. Grimes also encourages students to find their own voice as photographers. He speaks about his experiences, discusses the importance of creating a unique style, and motivates learners to push their creative boundaries. The Beauty Portrait Masterclass doesn't stop at photography skills. Grimes also provides invaluable insight into the business side of photography. He provides advice on building a compelling portfolio, marketing strategies, and sustaining a successful career in the competitive field of beauty photography. In summary, Joel Grimes' Beauty Portrait Masterclass is an all-encompassing course for anyone seeking to excel in the domain of beauty photography. It offers a rare chance to learn from a master of the craft, understand his process, and apply these lessons to create breathtaking beauty portraits. Whether you're a professional or an aspiring photographer, this course promises a transformative learning experience that can elevate your skillset and redefine your approach to beauty photography.


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