
British Academy 

Independant Photographer


Former students of the British Academy of Photography have gone on to manage real-life photography projects, secure employment with leading photography companies and start their own businesses.

My Courses


—  British Academy 


Welcome to the comprehensive degree programme offered by the British Academy of Photography. This programme is designed to provide you with a specialized knowledge of photography and equip you with advanced academic abilities and professional practice. The programme consists of two main segments: the Higher National Diploma (HND) and the Bachelor of Arts Degree. In the initial phase, you will be enrolled in the HND, where you will undertake a series of assignments delivered through 17 distinct topic modules. These modules cover a wide range of subjects and will help you develop a strong academic foundation in photography. Throughout your studies, you will work closely with a subject specialist tutor who will provide guidance, support, and detailed feedback to facilitate your learning and help you build an independent practice. Your tutor will assist you in advancing your skills and knowledge in photography, ensuring that you meet the high academic standards set by the University of Chester. In the final stage of the programme, you will transition to the Bachelor of Arts Degree. During this phase, you will complete a dissertation and a major project on a topic of your choice. The dissertation will allow you to delve deep into theory and practice, while the major project will showcase your advanced critical thinking skills and project management abilities. This final stage is designed to encourage autonomy, innovation, and professionalism, preparing you for a successful career in the photography industry. As a home study student, you will have access to our online learning center, which houses course materials created by industry experts. These materials include instructional videos, written content, and assignments to enhance your learning experience. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to engage with fellow students through our student forum, fostering a sense of community and enabling you to share insights and experiences. The duration of the course is approximately 2 and a half to 4 years, allowing you to progress at a pace that suits your individual circumstances. You will have a maximum of 6 years to complete the programme, ensuring flexibility and accommodating various personal commitments. If you have already obtained a Higher National Diploma in Photography or an equivalent qualification, you may be eligible to enroll directly into the final year of the degree programme. For more information about this option, please reach out to us for further details. Embark on this exciting educational journey with the British Academy of Photography and take your photography skills to new heights. Enroll today and unlock your potential in the dynamic world of photography.



—  British Academy 


Are you passionate about photography and dream of becoming a professional photographer? Our comprehensive course is designed to help you achieve your goal by providing you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the industry. Throughout the course, you will embark on a transformative journey where you will develop your technical expertise, creative vision, and professional acumen. By completing a series of 10 practical assignments, you will gradually refine your skills and gain a deep understanding of the photography industry. As a home study student, you will have access to our exclusive Online Learning Centre, which serves as a hub for all your learning materials. Created by industry experts, these resources include a variety of instructional videos, informative written content, and engaging assignments. This comprehensive collection of materials will empower you to learn at your own pace and provide you with a solid foundation in photography. To ensure your success, our dedicated tutors will be there to guide and support you throughout your learning journey. They will provide valuable insights, expert knowledge, and personalized feedback to help you grow as a photographer. Through our Online Learning Centre, you can easily connect with your tutors and fellow students, fostering a collaborative and enriching learning environment. The course is designed to be flexible, allowing you to study at a pace that suits your lifestyle. On average, dedicating around 15 hours per week to your studies will enable you to complete the course in 12 months. If you have more time to commit, studying approximately 30 hours per week can accelerate your progress, allowing you to finish the course in just 6 months. However, we understand that everyone has unique circumstances, so you have up to 36 months to complete the course, giving you the flexibility to learn at your own convenience. Upon completion of the course, you will have gained a comprehensive skill set that will enable you to confidently pursue a professional career in photography. You will have developed a keen eye for capturing compelling images, mastered the technical aspects of your camera, and acquired the necessary knowledge to plan and execute successful photography projects. Whether you aspire to work in portrait photography, fashion and glamour, or even wedding photography, our course will equip you with the expertise and confidence to succeed in your chosen field. We believe that photography is an art form that requires both technical skill and creative vision, and our course will help you master both aspects. So, if you are ready to embark on an exciting journey to becoming a professional photographer, enroll in our course today. Unleash your creativity, get a diploma in photography, and unlock your full potential. Let us support you in achieving your dreams and turning your passion for photography into a rewarding career.



—  British Academy 


In this course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how cameras work and develop your skills in creating compelling photographs. This postgraduate diploma covers various aspects of photography, from composition and lighting to studio and location shoots. Here are the key topics covered in the course: How the Camera Works: You will experiment with your camera's manual settings and learn the fundamentals of composition, focus, and light to create still life photographs. Topics covered include composition techniques, aperture, focal length, perspective, light metering, white balance, and exposure compensation. Light & Lighting: This module emphasizes the importance of light in photography. You will explore different lighting techniques and learn how to plan and equip yourself for a successful photoshoot. Topics covered include experimenting with lighting styles, creating lighting diagrams, undertaking studio and on-location photoshoots, and capturing studio portraits and environmental portraits. Photographic Methods & The Design Cycle: In this module, you will produce creative portraits for an album cover while learning about the stages of the design cycle. You will gain a structured approach to creative work, from interpreting a client brief to post-production and editing techniques. Topics covered include idea development, planning photoshoots, using industry software for post-production, and evaluating client feedback. Cultural Movements in Photography: You will explore how society, history, technology, economics, and culture influence photographic practice. Through a research project, you will delve into key historical movements in photography and gain insights into contemporary influences. Topics covered include research methods, analyzing historical movements, and presenting research findings professionally. Photography in the Studio: This module focuses on the central role of the studio in the development of photographic practice. You will develop skills in studio practice to create professional-looking images and respond to client briefs. Topics covered include studio lighting, equipment and sets, planning studio photoshoots, using techniques in a studio setting, and post-production for finished photographs. Photography on Location: You will learn the skills required to take photographs in uncontrolled environments and adapt photoshoots to changing spaces, subjects, and contexts. A practical photoshoot on location will help you build specialist skills. Topics covered include analyzing client briefs, examining locations, experimenting with different approaches, and developing plans for on-location photography projects. Creative Thinking & Independent Practice: In this module, you will use your skills to complete a photography collection for an exhibition based on a set theme and topic. The focus is on independent work, creative concepts, visual language, critical thinking, project management, and presenting finished photographs and development work. Portfolio Creation & Career Planning: The final module guides you in creating a portfolio and planning your photography career. You will learn to curate a professional portfolio that showcases your best work and understand the steps involved in career planning. Throughout the course, you will have opportunities to practice and refine your skills, receive feedback from instructors, and develop a strong foundation in photography. By the end of the course, you will be well-equipped to pursue a career in photography and showcase your talent through a professional portfolio.



—  British Academy 


In this comprehensive photography course, you will acquire the essential skills and diploma to excel as a professional photographer. The course for this diploma is structured around various modules that cover a wide range of topics and practical assignments to enhance your understanding and expertise. Photographic Practices: This module of this diploma focuses on mastering your camera in manual mode and understanding the significance of composition in achieving your desired image outcome. You will gain confidence in using camera settings to produce high-quality photographs with (BTEC). The module covers topics such as manual mode operation, composition principles, exposure settings (aperture, focal length, perspective, metering, selective focus, white balance, and exposure compensation), and using zoom lenses. Lighting for Photography: Here, you will explore different lighting techniques to enhance your photo shoots. By analyzing your creative intentions, you will learn to plan lighting processes and select appropriate equipment. The module covers studio lighting, flash photography, natural lighting, lighting layouts, and strategies for different settings and contexts. Techniques & Processes: This module equips you with the skills and processes necessary to handle photography projects from client meetings to final design presentations. You will learn to understand client briefs, develop creative ideas, employ techniques and processes to fulfill creative potential, and refine your post-production editing skills. Visual diaries for development and presentation purposes will also be emphasized. Contextual Studies: Understanding the historical context of photography is crucial for contemporary photographers. In this module, you will research and analyze key historical eras and movements, allowing you to comprehend the broader context of modern photography. Communication techniques, research methodologies, and critical analyses of visual and textual materials will be covered. Studio Photography: Explore the advantages and creative possibilities of working in a photographic studio. This module delves into studio photographic practices over time, including lighting techniques, sets, and equipment management. You will plan and execute studio-based photo shoots, apply post-production techniques, and create a portfolio of studio photographs. Printing, framing, and mounting photographs for presentation will also be covered. Location Photography: Location-based photography presents unique challenges. This module of (BTEC) focuses on techniques and processes involved in conducting successful location photo shoots. You will learn to analyze client briefs, undertake reconnaissance photography, manage permissions and risk assessments, plan and execute location shoots, and adhere to health and safety requirements. Presenting finished photographs to a defined audience will also be addressed. Individual Project: In this module, you will apply all the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course to work on an individual project based on a specific theme or topic. You will plan, develop, and review your project, exploring creative ideas and employing various techniques and processes. The module emphasizes the realization of creative potential and the development of personal visual language. Professional Development: Understanding the evolving photography profession is essential for your career growth. This module explores technological advancements, social and cultural changes, and their impact on the photography industry. You will assess your own knowledge and skills, identify areas for personal and professional development, define career goals, and create a personal development plan. Advanced Photography Studies: In this module, you will refine your photographic style and push the boundaries of your creativity. By exploring conceptual ideas and experimenting with techniques, you will complete a photography project that reflects your unique visual language and approach to photography. The module covers project management techniques, presenting work to communicate personal style, and evaluating audience responses. Event Photography: Develop skills specific to event photography, including planning, networking, and adhering to ethical guidelines. You will learn to create contracts based on client needs, employ event photography techniques and processes, undertake event photo shoots, use post-processing tools, and present collections of event images to gather audience feedback. Photojournalism: This module focuses on the value of photography in current affairs and the differences between photojournalism and documentary photography. You will develop a personal approach to photojournalism, considering equipment, ethics, subject interests, and research practices. The module covers identifying photojournalism story opportunities, producing narrative-driven photographs, exploring ethical issues, and presenting work suitable for various media platforms. Commercial Photography: Understanding the role of photography in commercial industries is essential for professional photographers. This module examines different types of commercial photography, including business-to-business and business-to-consumer photography. You will learn to develop commercial briefs, consider legal and ethical considerations, align commercial photography with branding strategies, employ relevant techniques and processes, and present portfolios that meet client needs. Applied Practice - Collaborative Project: Collaborative skills are crucial in the photography industry. In this module, you will plan, manage, and present a collaborative project based on current trends and industry practices. You will develop project plans, work creatively in a collaborative environment, present collaborative work, evaluate your own work and the work of others, and reflect on the collaborative experience. Professional Practice: The final module focuses on professional development and preparing for a career in photography. You will explore the evolution of the photography profession, assess your knowledge and skills, identify areas for personal and professional growth, define career goals, and create a comprehensive personal development plan. Throughout the course, you will have access to a variety of learning resources, including instructional videos, written content, and assignments, all created by industry experts. Your tutors will provide ongoing support, feedback, and guidance through our Online Learning Centre, ensuring that you progress effectively and build an independent practice. Upon successful completion of the course, you will have developed the necessary skills and knowledge to embark on a professional photography career. With this diploma you will possess technical proficiency, a keen eye for composition, an understanding of lighting techniques, and the ability to plan, execute, and present photography projects effectively. By unleashing your creativity and refining your techniques, you will be well-equipped to pursue your passion for photography and achieve your career aspirations.



—  British Academy 


Designed around 15 practical assignments, you will incrementally develop the advanced techniques and a deep understanding of the industry that you need to succeed as a professional photographer. As a home study student you will have full access to our student area, the Online Learning Centre, which contains course material created by industry experts including: instructional videos, written content and assignments.


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