
Laurent Breillat 

Independant Photographer


Je m’appelle Laurent Breillat, et si j’ai commencé à écrire sur ce site en souhaitant simplement partager avec vous ma progression en tant que photographe, j’en ai fait mon métier depuis 2011.

My Courses


—  Laurent Breillat 


The "Exploration Before Expression" course is a comprehensive photography training program that offers three in-depth lessons designed to help photographers of all levels enhance their skills and artistic vision. Led by acclaimed photographer David, this course provides valuable insights, practical techniques, and creative approaches to elevate your photography practice and create captivating images. The first lesson serves as a comprehensive introduction, delving into the essential aspects of photography and the preparation required for a successful photographic journey. David shares his expertise on selecting the right gear, including cameras, lenses, and accessories, as well as valuable tips on packing and organizing your equipment. As an added bonus, David provides a thorough review of his own travel bag, offering valuable insights and recommendations on essential items to bring along on your photographic adventures. The second lesson focuses on the concept of exploration and constraints in photography. David guides you through the process of embracing limitations as creative catalysts, enabling you to push the boundaries of your artistic expression. You will learn how to approach different shooting scenarios and subjects with a fresh perspective, using constraints as a means to unlock your creativity and capture unique and compelling images. Through practical examples and exercises, David encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and discover new ways to see and interpret the world through your lens. In the third lesson, David dives into the art of photographing people. Drawing on his extensive experience, he shares invaluable techniques for establishing a genuine connection with your subjects, capturing their authentic emotions, and telling compelling stories through your images. From effective posing and composition to utilizing natural light and creating a comfortable shooting environment, David equips you with the essential skills to create impactful and emotionally resonant portraits. Through hands-on exercises, you will have the opportunity to put these techniques into practice, refining your ability to capture the essence and individuality of each person you photograph. The course also delves into three powerful tools that can enhance your photography workflow and overall results. David shares his insights and best practices for streamlining your workflow both in the field and during post-processing. You will learn efficient organization techniques for managing your image files, practical tips for selecting and editing your best shots, and strategies for creating a consistent visual style. By mastering these tools, you will be able to transform your raw captures into stunning, cohesive images that reflect your unique artistic vision. With a focus on hands-on learning, the "Exploration Before Expression" course provides ample opportunities for practice and self-reflection. David encourages you to embark on your own photographic journeys, apply the techniques taught in the course, and share your progress with the supportive online community. Throughout the course, you will have access to detailed video lessons, downloadable resources, self-assessment quizzes, and bonus content, ensuring a comprehensive and immersive learning experience. Whether you are a beginner seeking to establish a strong foundation in photography or an experienced photographer looking to refine your skills and artistic voice, the "Exploration Before Expression" course offers a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. David's passion for photography and his dedication to teaching shine through in every lesson, making this course an invaluable resource for photographers eager to take their craft to new heights. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from a seasoned professional and join a community of passionate photographers. Enroll today in the "Exploration Before Expression" course and embark on a transformative journey to unlock your full creative potential in photography.


Unique photography course

—  Laurent Breillat 


The Foundation for Your Creativity course is a transformative journey that explores the essential elements of photography and unlocks the power of your creative potential. Led by David, a renowned photographer, this course delves deep into the art of unique photography, teaching you not only technical skills but also the mindset and qualities necessary to nurture your creativity. The course begins by addressing the question of what truly makes a great photograph. Through insightful discussions and practical examples, David guides you in understanding the key elements that contribute to the creation of impactful and visually compelling images. You will learn about composition, lighting, storytelling, and other fundamental aspects that shape the aesthetics and narrative of a photograph. A significant focus of the course is dedicated to understanding and harnessing the creative process. David explores the inner workings of creativity, unraveling the mechanisms that drive inspiration and innovation. Through introspective exercises and discussions, you will gain a deeper understanding of your own creative strengths and challenges, enabling you to tap into your unique vision and perspective. Managing critiques and overcoming fears is another crucial aspect covered in the course. David provides guidance on how to navigate feedback and criticism, empowering you to embrace constructive feedback as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. You will also learn strategies to overcome creative blocks and self-doubt, fostering resilience and confidence in your artistic journey. The course offers concrete steps to strengthen your creative process, providing practical techniques to ignite and sustain your inspiration. You will explore the power of curiosity, asking meaningful questions, embracing constraints, embracing the value of drafts, and the importance of sharing your work with others. These practices will fuel your creativity, expand your artistic horizons, and foster a supportive community of fellow photographers. Beyond the technical aspects of photography, the course delves into the qualities and qualities of character that contribute to becoming a well-rounded photographer. David emphasizes the importance of cultivating empathy, patience, and open-mindedness, enabling you to connect with your subjects and capture genuine emotions in your images. You will also learn the value of perseverance, adaptability, and the ability to embrace the unexpected, allowing you to seize unique photographic opportunities in any situation. One of the highlights of the course is the exploration of the stories behind 13 of David's most compelling photographs. Through these captivating narratives, you will gain insights into the creative process, the challenges faced, and the personal journeys that shaped these images. This in-depth analysis will deepen your understanding of the artistic choices and intentions behind each photograph, inspiring you to tell your own stories through your unique photography. The Foundation for Your Creativity course goes beyond the technicalities of photography, fostering a holistic approach that nurtures both technical skills and creative mindset. With its engaging video lessons, thought-provoking exercises, and access to a supportive community, this course provides a solid foundation for photographers of all levels who are seeking to enhance their creativity and elevate their artistic practice. Embark on this transformative journey and unlock the true potential of your creativity. Enroll in the Foundation for Your Creativity course today and embark on a path of self-discovery, inspiration, and growth as a photographer.



—  Laurent Breillat 


The "Sublime your Photos" course offers a comprehensive opportunity to fully master the capabilities of Lightroom, one of the most popular software tools for photo editing and organization. Whether you are a beginner eager to learn the fundamentals or an experienced user looking to enhance your skills, this course provides a step-by-step guide to harnessing the advanced features of Lightroom. The course begins by delving into the organization of your photo library. You will learn how to efficiently import, sort, and categorize your images, ensuring seamless management and easy access to your collection. Additionally, you will discover how to add keywords, metadata, and notes to your photos, allowing for effortless searching and effective organization. Moving on to the editing aspects, the course covers both global and local editing techniques. Through comprehensive instruction, you will gain the skills to enhance the overall appearance of your photos by adjusting key elements such as exposure, white balance, vibrance, and saturation. Furthermore, you will explore the power of local editing tools, enabling you to make precise and targeted adjustments to specific areas of your images, ensuring they reach their full potential. Recognizing the complementary nature of Photoshop and Lightroom, the course also dedicates a portion to the basics of Photoshop. This invaluable addition expands your editing capabilities, empowering you to perform more intricate and creative manipulations. You will learn how to utilize layers, layer masks, and other essential tools to achieve professional-grade results and unlock a whole new level of creativity in your editing process. Throughout the course, practical demonstrations and real-world examples guide you every step of the way, ensuring a hands-on and immersive learning experience. By following along with the provided exercises, you will have the opportunity to practice and apply the techniques directly, solidifying your understanding and skill set. By completing the course, you will develop a comprehensive understanding of photo editing and acquire the tools necessary to transform your images into stunning works of art. Whether you are an amateur seeking to elevate your personal photography or a professional aiming to refine your style and workflow, this course equips you with the knowledge and skills to achieve remarkable results. Enroll in this course today and embark on a transformative journey in photo editing with Lightroom. Unlock the infinite possibilities that await, sublime your photos, and share your beautifully enhanced photos with the world.



—  Laurent Breillat 


Devenez un Photographe Accompli est la formation que je vous conseille si vous débutez (ou si vous sentez que vous avez besoin de reprendre les bases). Elle est conçue pour fonctionner même si vous partez de zéro en photo. Elle s’étale sur 7 mois, soit plus de 17h de vidéos, environ 30 minutes par semaine (pour que ça reste gérable et que vous puissiez suivre à votre rythme).


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