
Foto Leistenschneider 

Student Photographer


Bei Foto Leistenschneider lernen Sie, Ihre Ausrüstung optimal zu nutzen und Ihre Fotografie auf ein neues Level zu heben. Bauen Sie bei uns Ihre fotografischen Kenntnisse aus und wenden Sie das Gelernte nach dem Fotokurs eigenständig an. In unseren Grundkursen vermitteln die Fototrainer grundlegendes Wissen, verständlich erklärt. Die Grundkurse richten sich in erster Linie an Anfänger oder Hobbyfotografen, mit geringen Kenntnissen über Kamera-Technik und Bildgestaltung. Melden Sie sich an, wenn Sie im Besitz einer digitalen System-oder Spiegelreflexkamera sind und mehr über die Funktionen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten Ihrer Kamera lernen möchten. Für Nutzer von Kompakt- oder Bridge-Kameras gibt es einen speziellen Grundkurs. Für Hobbyfotografen mit grundlegenden Kenntnissen der Fotografie (Blende, Zeit, ISO) bieten wir interessante Aufbaukurse an. Verfeinern Sie Ihre Bildgestaltung und fangen Sie spannende Motive ein. Aufbaukurse von Foto Leistenschneider sind perfekt für Sie, wenn Sie die Fotografie mit Ihrer digitalen System- oder Spiegelreflexkamera verfeinern möchten.

My Courses


—  Foto Leistenschneider 


In diesem speziellen Fotokurs steht die Architekturfotografie im Fokus. Frankfurt ist, wie kaum eine Stadt in Deutschland, prädestiniert dieses Gebiet der Fotografie sowohl theoretisch als auch praktisch zu erkunden – und genau das ist was wir in diesem Workshop machen. Dieser Kurs ist genau das Richtige für Sie, wenn Sie sich mit den technischen Möglichkeiten Ihrer Kamera schon gut auskennen und die Grundlagen beherrschen. Nach Absolvierung des Workshops sind Sie Profi im Spiel mit Perspektiven, Spiegelungen, Symmetrien und noch vielem mehr.



—  Foto Leistenschneider 


The dynamic realm of digital photography has revolutionized how we capture and present images, and at the core of this transformation is post-processing, a process made much easier with powerful image editing software. One such tool is the focus of the course curated by professional photographer Michael Damböck. This software is tailored for all types of photography, providing you with complete creative control over your shots. Damböck's course, presented as a series of video lessons, familiarizes you with the software’s interface and guides you through the crucial tools you'll need to maximize your photo editing prowess. It's important to note that this product is a software license, and refunds are not available after purchase. Here's what you can expect from this rich learning experience: an on-demand video course that can be replayed as often as you wish, totalling a playtime of 161 minutes, with an additional 38 minutes of bonus content. This course does not just rely on theory; it showcases practical, hands-on use of the software. Using a combination of on-camera demonstrations and screen recordings, Damböck distils complex concepts into easy-to-understand explanations. Throughout the course, he shares valuable tips and tricks garnered from his professional experience, all delivered in 2K resolution for optimal viewing clarity. The course is structured into 17 comprehensive chapters: Introduction to Capture One Pro: Discover what's new in the latest version of this software. Essential Settings: Learn the fundamental settings that will improve your efficiency and editing process. Catalog vs. Session: Understand the differences between these two core features of the software. Workspace: Familiarize yourself with the software's interface and how to navigate it effectively. Import: Master the steps to bring your images into the software for editing. Image Management: Discover best practices for organizing and managing your photos within the software. RAW Conversion: Learn how to convert RAW files, which contain unprocessed image data, into editable formats. Color Balance: Explore how to adjust the colors in your images for a more balanced and pleasing effect. Color Editor: Delve into the color editor tool, which allows you to change and enhance specific colors within your photos. Applying Edits: Learn how to apply your edits to multiple photos, saving time and ensuring consistency. Black and White Conversion: Understand the techniques to convert color images into impactful black-and-white photos. Styles and Presets: Discover how to use preconfigured settings to speed up your editing process and maintain a consistent style. Layers and Masks: Master these advanced editing tools to make selective adjustments to your photos. Tethering: Learn about the process of connecting your camera to your computer, allowing instant viewing and editing of photos as they are taken. Export: Understand the various export options and how to choose the best settings based on your intended use of the images. Closing Words: Damböck wraps up the course with some final thoughts and advice. Bonus: Portrait Editing: Apply what you’ve learned to the specific challenges of portrait photography, a valuable skill for any photographer. Designed and moderated by Michael Damböck, a seasoned professional, this course is your comprehensive guide to unlocking the potential of your photography through powerful image editing software. With the knowledge and skills gained from this course, you'll be well-equipped to elevate your photography to new levels of creative and technical excellence.


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