
Daniel Kordan 

Independant Photographer


I live in the world today and currently based in Bali, Indonesia. But there are places on Earth, I attached with by my soul. It’s villa Gaia in Tuscany I lived for few years. I love Lofoten islands, with their remarkable atmosphere of fishing villages, sailing adventures, incredible hikes and northern lights dances during the winter time. The world can’t live without testimonials, so I should place here a few words on awards and publications. I have publications in such magazines as Digital SLR Magazine, UK, Photography week, Photography Master Class, National Geographic, Discovery, Photoworld China, Digital Photo (Bauer Media) magazines. My key clients are Apple, Gazprom Neft’, S7 Airlines, RedBull, HSBC. I am spending most of his time in Norway at Lofoten islands and in Tuscany at our villa Gaia, guiding groups from Europe, UK, US, Asia . I am official Nikon, Gitzo and Lucroit ambassador.

My Courses


—  Daniel Kordan 


Mastering the art of shooting and editing night-time photographs is a valuable skill that can take your photography to new heights. Whether you're capturing the beauty of city lights, astrophotography, or any other night scene, this course is designed to equip you with the essential skills to create stunning images in low-light conditions. During the course, you'll learn proven techniques for capturing night-time photographs that look exceptional, regardless of the darkness or the camera you're using. The instructor will guide you through the entire process, from understanding the unique challenges of shooting in low light to mastering exposure settings and composition for night scenes. One of the key aspects covered in the course is how to effectively handle noise in night-time shots. Noise can be a common issue when shooting in low-light conditions, but the instructor will reveal little-known methods for seamlessly removing noise from your photographs. You'll learn powerful post-processing techniques that will help you achieve clean and sharp images, preserving the details and enhancing the overall quality of your night-time photographs. In addition to technical skills, the course will also explore the creative aspects of night photography. You'll discover how to use light sources creatively, such as capturing long exposures to create light trails or playing with artificial light to add drama and atmosphere to your shots. Composition techniques specific to night photography will be covered, allowing you to effectively capture the mood and tell a compelling visual story in your images. Throughout the course, you'll benefit from practical demonstrations and examples, ensuring that you can apply what you've learned in real-world scenarios. The instructor will share their expertise and provide insights into their own workflow, helping you to develop your own style and approach to night-time photography. No matter what camera you have, whether it's a high-end DSLR or a smartphone, this course is designed to teach you the fundamental principles and techniques that will elevate your night photography skills. You'll gain confidence in capturing well-exposed and visually captivating images in low-light conditions, pushing the boundaries of what is possible with your equipment. By the end of the course, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of shooting and editing night-time photographs. You'll have the knowledge and skills to create stunning images that stand out, capturing the beauty and mystery of the night. Whether you're an enthusiast photographer looking to expand your portfolio or a professional seeking to enhance your night photography skills, this course will provide you with the essential tools to excel in capturing and editing night-time photographs. Don't let low-light conditions hold you back from capturing extraordinary images. Enroll in this course now and unlock the secrets to shooting and editing remarkable night-time photographs that will leave a lasting impression.



—  Daniel Kordan 


Immerse yourself in the captivating beauty of nature's afternoon light with our exclusive course, "Nature's Times in Afternoon!" For only $99, you will gain invaluable knowledge and skills to transform your photographs by changing colors, adding or removing elements, and creating stunning effects. In this course, you will learn a variety of unique combinations of tools and techniques that will allow you to harness the power of the sun's rays and create high-quality effects and a dreamy ambiance in your photographs. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced photographer, our step-by-step guidance will help you master these skills and elevate your photography to new heights. Discover the secrets of color manipulation, enabling you to transform the mood and atmosphere of your images. Learn how to enhance the warm tones of the afternoon light or create a cooler and more serene atmosphere by adjusting the color palette. Unleash your creativity by adding or removing elements from your photographs. Whether it's removing distracting objects or adding elements that enhance the composition, our course will equip you with the knowledge and techniques to achieve a harmonious and captivating visual narrative. With our expert instruction, you'll gain a deep understanding of various tools and techniques that can be applied to your photographs. From advanced editing software to lesser-known techniques, you'll learn how to bring your vision to life and create truly unique and mesmerizing images. Enroll in "Nature's Times in Afternoon!" and unlock the secrets to capturing the enchanting beauty of nature's afternoon light. Expand your creative possibilities, infuse your photographs with a dreamlike ambiance, and let the light guide you towards extraordinary results. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your photography and create images that evoke a sense of wonder and awe. Sign up now for only $99 and embark on a journey that will forever change the way you see and capture the world around you.



—  Daniel Kordan 


Discover the art of lighting in any situation through this 3-day workshop designed to teach you the basics and unleash your creative potential. Led by acclaimed photographer Don Giannatti, this workshop is perfect for photographers at all levels who are seeking to refine their vision and develop their unique perspective. Throughout the workshop, Don will guide you in evaluating light from a subject-centric approach. You will learn to assess how different lighting conditions interact with your subject, allowing you to anticipate and manipulate light to create stunning sunrise & sunset photographs. By understanding the relationship between light and subject, you will gain the knowledge and confidence to consistently achieve perfect lighting in your images. This workshop is an immersive and hands-on experience that will keep you engaged from start to finish. With a focus on practical application, you will have the opportunity to immediately put your newfound knowledge into practice. Through a series of real-time demonstrations and exercises, you will learn to effectively control and shape light to achieve your desired creative vision. Don Giannatti's workshop goes beyond technical instruction and dives into the realm of artistic expression. By tapping into your own unique perspective, you will learn to infuse your images with your personal vision, creating photographs that reflect your individual style and creativity. Don't miss this non-stop, immersive weekend of hands-on learning and discovery. Join this special lighting workshop and unlock your full potential as a photographer. Gain the skills, knowledge, and artistic insight necessary to master the art of lighting and create perfect photographs that truly resonate with viewers. Enroll now and embark on a transformative journey that will elevate your photography to new heights.


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