
Clarke Drahce 

Independant Photographer


Clarke Drahce is a renowned photographer whose work has captivated audiences around the globe. His talent for transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary narratives sets him apart in the world of photography. Based in the United States, Drahce has used his skills to capture the unique aspects of various environments and their inhabitants. His images tell stories of people, places, and moments in time that are rich with emotion and depth.

Drahce discovered his passion for photography at a young age. After getting his first camera, he spent countless hours exploring the world through his lens. His passion became a profession after he graduated from a prestigious art school, where he studied photography and honed his skills. Today, he is recognized for his versatile work, encompassing various genres such as portraiture, landscape, documentary, and event photography.

One of Drahce's most striking features as a photographer is his ability to capture the humanity of his subjects. Whether he's working on a series of portraits or documenting a specific event, his images are imbued with a sense of empathy and understanding. His subjects are portrayed in a way that reveals their true essence, showing the viewer a glimpse of their inner world.

In his landscape photography, Drahce exhibits an uncanny ability to capture the spirit of the environments he explores. His images not only highlight the visual beauty of these locations but also convey the atmosphere and emotion inherent in them. From rugged mountain ranges to serene bodies of water, his landscapes are a testament to the awe-inspiring beauty of nature and our connection to it.

In the realm of documentary photography, Drahce is known for his impactful storytelling. His series of images narrate stories that are both personal and universal, shedding light on issues that resonate with audiences worldwide. His thoughtful approach to this genre demonstrates his dedication to using photography as a means of driving social change.

Drahce's event photography is characterized by its spontaneity and attention to detail. He has a knack for being in the right place at the right time, capturing candid moments that reflect the essence of the event. Whether he is photographing a concert, a wedding, or a corporate gathering, Drahce's images encapsulate the energy, emotion, and intricate details of these occasions.

Despite his considerable success, Drahce remains grounded and devoted to his craft. He views each project as a learning opportunity, constantly pushing himself to expand his creative boundaries. This commitment to growth and innovation is evident in his ever-evolving body of work.

Drahce's work has been recognized in various photography competitions and has been featured in numerous publications. Yet, accolades and recognition are not his driving force. For Drahce, the real satisfaction comes from the process of creating and the ability to connect with people through his art.

Beyond his work behind the camera, Drahce is also passionate about educating and inspiring the next generation of photographers. He often conducts workshops and lectures, sharing his knowledge and experiences in the field of photography. He is a firm believer in the power of education and the importance of nurturing budding talent.

My Courses


—  Clarke Drahce 


Accompanied by Clarke Drahce, a professional fashion photographer, Creative Director, and experienced trainer, you will embark on an exciting journey exploring the latest trends and accessories in studio photography. This training program has been carefully designed with an emphasis on accessibility, sharing knowledge, and practical experience. It encompasses two important aspects that will equip you with the skills needed to excel in the world of studio photography. The first aspect focuses on the technical side, providing you with a solid understanding of light measurement and the use of accessories. You will dive into the fundamental concepts of lighting and studio photography, delving into the origins of light in photography and exploring the specific characteristics of studio lighting. Understanding the criteria used to evaluate a photograph and familiarizing yourself with various types of flash and continuous lighting setups will be a crucial part of this foundation. Building upon this foundation, you will then explore a wide range of tools and accessories used to shape and control light in studio photography. From reflector bowls and softboxes to snoots and umbrellas, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how each accessory can be utilized to sculpt light and achieve specific lighting effects. Through practical examples and demonstrations, you will learn when and how to use these accessories effectively, allowing you to unleash your creativity and elevate the quality of your studio photographs. Measurement is a vital aspect of studio photography, and this training program will provide you with the knowledge and techniques to accurately measure light. You will learn how to develop a lighting plan, adjust camera settings for optimal results, utilize a color temperature meter to achieve precise color rendering, and comprehend the principles of incident and reflected light. This comprehensive understanding of light measurement will enable you to create well-balanced and visually appealing images, consistently achieving your desired aesthetic. As the training progresses, you will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired through practical exercises. The program will guide you through two distinct lighting setups commonly used in studio photography, allowing you to put theory into practice. You will gain hands-on experience in designing and implementing a lighting plan, executing the plan effectively, utilizing a light meter to measure light accurately, and making necessary adjustments to achieve the desired outcome. These practical examples will consolidate your learning and provide a solid foundation for your future endeavors in studio photography. By the end of this training program, you will have acquired a comprehensive understanding of the lighting accessories utilized in contemporary studio photography. Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to confidently create and execute your own lighting plans, selecting the appropriate accessories to achieve your desired lighting effects. Whether you are capturing stunning fashion portraits, creating captivating still life compositions, or producing compelling commercial images, you will possess the necessary tools and expertise to excel in the art of studio photography. Throughout the training, Clarke Drahce's guidance and expertise will accompany you every step of the way. With his wealth of experience, he will not only equip you with technical skills but also nurture your creative instincts. Through a combination of theoretical explanations, practical demonstrations, and interactive exercises, you will gain valuable insights, hands-on experience, and the confidence to apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios. This training program offers a transformative experience, allowing you to unlock your full potential as a studio photographer. By mastering the latest trends and accessories in studio photography, you will be able to create visually stunning images that captivate viewers and bring your artistic vision to life. So, join Clarke Drahce on this enlightening journey, and take your studio photography to new heights of excellence.


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