— Manfred Werner




About This Course

Welcome to the Photoshop Introduction course, where you'll embark on a comprehensive journey to master the art of Photoshop editing. This course covers a wide range of topics, from understanding the Photoshop layout and modifying the workspace to exploring various tools and techniques for retouching and enhancing images.

In the initial lessons, you'll become familiar with the Photoshop interface and learn how to customize the workspace to suit your needs. Dive into menu functions, understand the concept of layers, and discover the power of adjustment layers and layer masks for non-destructive editing. Gain insights into blending options, layer styles, and smart objects to take your creativity to new heights.

The course also delves into the essential Photoshop tools, providing in-depth explanations and practical demonstrations. From the move tool to the selection tools, brush tool to the pen tool, you'll learn how to effectively utilize these tools to achieve precise edits. Discover valuable keyboard shortcuts that will speed up your workflow and make editing more efficient.

Additionally, this course offers specialized retouching classes, catering to portrait retouching, photographer retouching, and Instagram editing. Explore techniques for hair retouching, skin retouching, color and light control adjustments, dodge and burn, and more. You'll gain insights into professional workflows, lighting setups, and strategies for achieving stunning results.

By the end of this photoshop masterclass, you'll have developed a solid foundation in Photoshop and gained the skills to transform ordinary images into extraordinary works of art. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience with Photoshop, this course will elevate your editing skills and open up a world of creative possibilities.

Join this Photoshop masterclass and unlock your full potential as an image editor. Let's dive into the exciting world of Photoshop and take your editing skills to the next level!

Acquired Knowledge

What Photoshop is & how to get into it!
This course is perfect for beginners "Never used photoshop before"
Customize the programs layout & feel comfortable
Understand all photoshop basics & tools
Understand layers & it's panels
Understand masks & how to use them
Understand adjustment layers how to use them
Working with the pen tool, liquify & puppet warp tool
Understand setting color profiles, save PSD files & web files
Working with brush tool, the clone stamp tool & healing brush


You only need a photoshop "Any Version" Best to Have CS6, CC2018, CC2019,Absolutely no experience is required
We start with the Basics!


Manfred Werner
I'm an instructor that teaches Photoshop for beginners, but if you are more experienced, then take advantage of my free Photoshop courses. I’ve been teaching Photoshop & Retouching on Udemy since 2012. In my personal capacity, I’m an owner of a Digital Media Agency where the core focus lays in Content Creation. I’ve been an active photographer and retoucher since 2010 and have worked on many advertising campaigns in Cape Town “South Africa” for clients like Mercedes, Zara, H&M, etc, When I'm not working on campaigns, I'm producing online training courses & I have realized that it has become my passion to teach online, this may vary between Photoshop, Photography, Design or Business Content.


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