— Jackie Kramer




About This Course

Boost your creativity and have fun shooting artistic macro floral photographs with Jackie Kramer! Join Jackie in the Florida Botanical Gardens to learn how you can create stunning floral images of your own

Acquired Knowledge

In this captivating flower photography course, Jackie invites you to join her on an immersive journey to capture the essence and beauty of flowers. Through a series of engaging and informative lessons, you'll gain the skills and knowledge needed to take your floral photography to new heights.

The course begins with an introduction, where Jackie sets the stage for the upcoming lessons and shares her passion for flower photography. From there, you'll dive into various topics, starting with how to bring out the character in a flower and mastering the basic shot. Jackie's expert guidance will help you understand the symbolic meanings behind different flowers and explore creative approaches to capturing their unique qualities.

You'll learn the art of high key photography, where you'll discover how to create beautifully bright and ethereal images. Jackie will guide you through the process of scouting the garden for the best light, locations, and textures, and share valuable tips for overcoming challenges encountered in the field.

Choosing the right lens plays a crucial role in flower photography, and Jackie will help you navigate the options and understand how different lenses can enhance your images. Through examples and demonstrations, you'll gain insights into shooting textures, capturing multiple exposures, and finding creative opportunities in the garden.

Once you've captured your stunning floral images, Jackie will take you through an image review and post-processing session. You'll learn her expert techniques for editing high key images and explore the possibilities of post-processing multiple exposures, using popular software like Lightroom Classic and Photoshop.

By the end of this course, you'll have not only expanded your technical skills but also developed a keen artistic eye for capturing the intricate beauty of flowers. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced photographer, this course will inspire you to see flowers in a whole new light and create stunning floral images that truly captivate. Get ready to unleash your creativity and embark on an unforgettable floral photography adventure with Jackie as your guide.


Jackie Kramer
Mitchell Kanashkevich, a name that resonates with power and vision in the world of travel photography, has built a reputation as a visual storyteller who transcends the usual norms. Born in Ukraine, Kanashkevich spent much of his adult life traveling and immersing himself in varied cultures, seeking profound experiences and enriching interactions. His journey as a photographer traces back to his insatiable wanderlust. His restless spirit, combined with his eye for the extraordinary, found an outlet in photography - a medium that allowed him to delve deeper into his experiences and imprint them in a tangible form. His camera became a tool to explore, to understand, and to document cultures, landscapes, and people who otherwise might remain unseen and unheard. The year 2015 marked a significant milestone in Kanashkevich's career when he won the Travel Photographer of the Year award in the People/Faces category. This recognition bore testament to his exceptional ability to capture the essence of human emotions, to portray stories etched on faces, and to communicate the depth of individual experiences. His photographs are more than mere images; they are narratives that invite viewers to journey into the lives of the subjects. Despite his success, Kanashkevich remains a student of life and photography. He has authored ebooks and crafted educational photography courses, reflecting his passion for knowledge sharing. These resources illuminate his philosophy and approach to photography, revealing valuable insights into his creative process. Kanashkevich's photographic narratives are often stumbled upon rather than sought after. His nomadic lifestyle leads him to unexpected places and encounters, each a source of inspiration. He is particularly intrigued by ancient traditions that continue to endure and adapt, marking the rhythm of life in societies far removed from the buzz of modernity. He captures the stories of people navigating unique, challenging environments, as well as those sharing a profound bond with nature. At the core of Kanashkevich's work lies his commitment to capture not just what he sees, but what he feels. He endeavors to reflect the essence of his experiences, the spirit of the people he meets, and the ambiance of the places he visits. His images embody a fusion of aesthetics and emotion, framed within a broader context of cultural narrative. One might say that Kanashkevich's photographs are like vibrant threads in the complex tapestry of human existence. They echo distant chants, mirror life's myriad hues, and etch in our minds the footprints of cultures across time and space. His works serve as visual reminders of our shared humanity, despite the disparities in our experiences and lifestyles. Beyond being a photographer, Mitchell Kanashkevich is a cultural anthropologist, a chronicler of human resilience, a spokesperson for the unheard, and a bridge between the familiar and the unknown. His work reminds us of the power of photography - not just as a form of art but as a tool for empathy, understanding, and connection. As we step into the visual world of Kanashkevich, we are reminded of the vast diversity of human life, and yet, we also find reflections of our own selves. This paradox is the beauty of his work - in the strange, we find the familiar; in the exotic, we discover elements of our own life. Through the lens of Mitchell Kanashkevich, we embark on journeys that lead us not only across geographical landscapes but also through the vast expanses of the human spirit.


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