— Giulia Candussi



  Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish 

About This Course

According to photojournalist and documentary filmmaker Giulia Candussi, there are two fundamental aspects to capturing a great shot; First, the passion you have for the story you want to tell; And a close second, mastering your equipment and its functions. With over a decade of experience in capturing photo reportages about human rights, international events, and cultural identity, Giulia will guide you through the ins and outs of your equipment and show you how to capture professional-looking images. Discover how to take high-quality photos that convey your unique vision. Master your digital camera’s functions and see how to use each one effectively. Learn the fundamentals of photography and develop the essential skills you need to capture the perfect shot.

Acquired Knowledge

The Basics
The Light
Giving Your Work the Finishing Touches
The Photo Camera


To take this course, you need lots of enthusiasm and any type of digital camera: a DSLR, a mirrorless, a bridge, a compact, or a smartphone (although your options will be limited with this tool)
,,For the post-production of your images, you will need a computer with Adobe Lightroom (you can download the free trial version on the Adobe website)


Giulia Candussi
I am an emerging documentary-maker with experience working in film and digital factual production. I have over 10 years experience working as a photojournalist sourcing innovative content and developing strong visual storytelling skills. Over the past few years, I have been adapting those skills and have been working as a documentary filmmaker in various formats. I am a self-starter full of ideas and I regularly collaborate with BBC Scotland making short documentaries for their platform The Social, reaching over 1.3M views on social media with my popular series ‘Vanlife’. I have also worked with the Short-Form team within the Digital department at BBC Scotland researching, producing, filming, and editing short documentaries. I am a naturally inquisitive person with great people skills: I have a track record of finding and working with contributors as well as developing relationships with new talent from different cultures and backgrounds. I am also confident self-shooting on location using industry-standard equipment such as C300 and Zoom recorders.


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