30 Photos and Their Settings 

— Alexander Müller




About This Course

Have you ever seen a photograph and wondered, "Wow! How was this made?" If so, this course on long exposure photography is perfect for you. Whether you're captivated by images of clouds streaking across the sky, the lightning in a thunderstorm, or the awe-inspiring expanse of a starry night, this course will guide you on how to encapsulate these scenes in a photograph.

The course creator, who is an experienced professional and hobbyist photographer, shares his wealth of knowledge acquired over the years. His personal favorite topic is long-exposure photography, the focus of this course, for a simple reason: long-exposure images provide added value to the viewer. While the human eye surpasses the camera in some areas like dynamic range, the camera can represent vastly different exposure times that the human eye, which perceives its surroundings in about 1/10 of a second, cannot. Images with effects significantly longer or shorter are usually only known from (better) photographs. A landscape with moving clouds and flowing water is often viewed longer than "classical" images.

The photographs in this course cover a wide range of genres within long exposure photography. With each photo, you'll find detailed explanations on the right upper corner about the theme of the shot. On the left side, the course reveals all the relevant settings, the equipment used, and the thought process behind the image composition. Additionally, the course includes background stories and information about the locations of the photos, as many are intrigued by the story behind a photograph.

The course promises joy, many "aha" moments, and above all, successful application of the settings and tips shared throughout. It is a wonderful opportunity to not only learn about long exposure photography but also to gain insights into the creative and technical decisions that go into capturing stunning long-exposure images. Whether you're a beginner, an amateur, or a professional photographer, this course is sure to enhance your skills and deepen your appreciation for the art of photography.

Acquired Knowledge

Welche Einstellungen habe ich verwendet
Welches Equipment war im Einsatz
Wie war die Lichtsituation
Wie lief der Planungsprozess ab
Besondere Gedanken zur Bildgestaltung


Tele-Kurs von daheim aus via Zoom,Mikrofon empfohlen, Webcam nicht erforderlich


Alexander Müller
Ich bin Alexander Müller, Fotograf und Fotokursleiter aus Wien, und ich freue mich, dass ich dir meine Tipps und Erfahrungen aus über 10 Jahren Faszination Fotografie mitgeben darf! Mehr als mein halbes Leben bereits ist Fotografie meine große Leidenschaft. Anfang 2011 begann mein Abenteuer „Faszination Fotografie“ mit der Gründung von „Alexander Müller Fotokurse“. Nach dem Abschluss eines Journalismus-Studiums an der FH Wien und einigen Arbeitseinsätzen (u.a. DerStandard, The Associated Press – AP, Wiener Zeitung) entschied ich mich, mein damaliges Hobby Fotografie zum Beruf zu machen. Ich bin den "Learning by Doing"-Weg gegangen, was mir auch in meiner späteren Tätigkeit als Fotokursleiter geholfen hat.


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