— Alexander Müller




About This Course

This comprehensive photography course, presented in German, is divided into two integral parts, both strongly recommended to anyone interested in enhancing their photography skills.

Part 1: Image Management

The importance of image management is often underestimated, until one struggles to find images, loses edits, or needs to quickly showcase their best photos from recent years. This section will address topics such as:

Data Security: Understanding how a catalog functions, where it's stored, and the best ways to secure your edits.
Photo Storage: Recommendations on where to store photos and an introduction to efficient filing structures.
Working with External Hard Drives: Tips and techniques for storing and managing images externally.
Preventing Photo Loss: Strategies for avoiding the accidental loss of important images.
Keywording and Metadata: Learning to use keywords, ratings, and metadata to effectively organize and find your photos.
Part 2: Image Editing

This section focuses on the post-processing stage of photography, imparting a wide range of editing skills such as:

Importing Photos: Learning how to import photos into editing software.
Toolbar Structure & Basic Interface Settings: Understanding the layout of editing tools and settings.
Adjusting Brightness, White Balance, Color, Crop, and Lens Corrections: Step-by-step guidance on basic editing adjustments.
Creating Import Presets: Developing import presets for quicker and more efficient editing.
Correctly Exporting Photos: Learning to properly export photos, including the use of export presets.
Selective Editing: Mastering the use of radial and linear filters and correction brushes.
Auto-Selection: Using software to automatically select skies & subjects.
Skin Retouching: Utilizing the correction brush for skin retouching.
Perspective Correction: Learning how to adjust perspective in your images.
Color Profiles: Understanding and applying color profiles for consistency and style.
Method & Advantage:

Participants will join via video conference and will view the instructor's screen and interactions. Attendees are not visible and are only audible when needed, with chat as an alternative communication method. Attendees have the option to work along with photos provided by the instructor or to simply watch. The significant advantage of the course via Zoom includes the recording provided afterwards and the ability to ask questions during the course. The recording is intended for personal use and may not be published or shared.

This Zoom-based course format was developed during the COVID-19 pandemic and, due to enthusiastic reception, will remain as the primary format for this image editing course.

Acquired Knowledge

Was ist eine vernünftige Ablagestruktur?
Wie arbeite ich mit externen Festplatten?
Wie kann ich verhindern, dass ich Fotos "verliere"?
Selektive Bearbeitung mit Radial- und Linearfilter und Korrekturpinsel
Hautretusche mit Korrekturpinsel
Dodge & Burn mit Korrekturpinsel
Selektive Korrekturen mit Luminanzmasken


Tele-Kurs von daheim aus via Zoom,Installierte Software Adobe Lightroom (CC / Classic CC),Grundkenntnisse im Umgang mit Adobe Lightroom,Zwei Bildschirme / Geräte (einer zum Mitschauen, einer zum Mitarbeiten) sind empfohlen,Mikrofon empfohlen, Webcam nicht erforderlich


Alexander Müller
Ich bin Alexander Müller, Fotograf und Fotokursleiter aus Wien, und ich freue mich, dass ich dir meine Tipps und Erfahrungen aus über 10 Jahren Faszination Fotografie mitgeben darf! Mehr als mein halbes Leben bereits ist Fotografie meine große Leidenschaft. Anfang 2011 begann mein Abenteuer „Faszination Fotografie“ mit der Gründung von „Alexander Müller Fotokurse“. Nach dem Abschluss eines Journalismus-Studiums an der FH Wien und einigen Arbeitseinsätzen (u.a. DerStandard, The Associated Press – AP, Wiener Zeitung) entschied ich mich, mein damaliges Hobby Fotografie zum Beruf zu machen. Ich bin den "Learning by Doing"-Weg gegangen, was mir auch in meiner späteren Tätigkeit als Fotokursleiter geholfen hat.


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