— Villiers Steyn




About This Course

Are you passionate about wildlife photography and aspire to capture breathtaking images like the professionals? If so, then this course is tailor-made for you. Join Steyn on an exciting journey where he will guide you through the most important technical and creative principles of wildlife photography, helping you take your skills to the next level.

In this comprehensive course, you will learn the essential techniques and tricks that will transform your wildlife photographs from ordinary to extraordinary. You’ll discover both the technical aspects and the artistic elements of wildlife photography, ensuring that your images are not only sharp, well-focused, and properly exposed, but also creatively composed and visually captivating.

One of the key highlights of this course is the emphasis on mastering the camera equipment necessary for wildlife photography. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the different types of cameras and lenses available, as well as the best practices for using them effectively in various wildlife photography scenarios. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced photographer, this course will provide you with valuable insights into selecting the right equipment for your specific needs.

Understanding camera settings is crucial in wildlife photography, and in this course, you will become a master of the most important settings. You will explore topics such as shooting in RAW versus JPEG, choosing the optimal camera mode for wildlife photography, and the ideal settings for different lighting conditions. You will also learn techniques to capture perfect wildlife portraits, taking into consideration not only the subject but also the background and depth of field.

Lighting plays a significant role in wildlife photography, and you will learn different light sources and how they can influence the mood and impact of your wildlife photos. You will gain insights into capturing animals in various lighting conditions, from front light to back light, and from diffused light on overcast days to harsh light in the middle of the day. This knowledge will enable you to adapt to different lighting situations and create stunning images that truly evoke the essence of the wildlife subjects.

Composition is another crucial aspect of wildlife photography, and in this course, you will develop an eye for striking composition. Steyn will share valuable tips and techniques for zooming in to capture intricate details and close-ups, as well as zooming out to portray animals in their natural habitats. You will learn how to utilize angles, framing, and other creative elements to enhance the visual impact of your wildlife photographs.

Moreover, understanding animal behavior is essential in wildlife photography, as it allows you to anticipate their movements and capture unique moments. Steyn will share insights into researching your subjects, observing their habits, and working with guides to increase your chances of capturing those special shots. By developing a deeper understanding of animal behavior, you will be able to create photographs that truly convey the spirit and essence of the wildlife subjects.

Throughout the course, you will have access to concise and informative video lectures, carefully designed to cover specific aspects of wildlife photography. The lectures include a combination of instructional segments, diagrams, wildlife videos, and stunning wildlife photographs to illustrate key concepts and techniques. You can watch the lectures in any order, enabling you to focus on topics that interest you the most or areas where you seek improvement.

To enhance your learning experience, a class project that allows you to practice the techniques discussed in the course is included. You will have the opportunity to shoot a sequence of images or experiment with panning techniques, enabling you to apply your newfound skills and receive valuable feedback from me.

By enrolling in this course, you are making a small investment that will yield substantial returns in your wildlife photography journey. Whether you aspire to become a professional wildlife photographer or simply want to elevate your skills as a passionate hobbyist, this course will equip you with the knowledge and techniques to capture breathtaking wildlife photographs that will leave a lasting impression.

Acquired Knowledge

Which cameras and lenses are best for wildlife photography and how to support them in the field.
How to take stunning wildlife portraits with blurred backgrounds.
How to freeze the action and keep focus when your subjects are moving
How to compose the perfect wildlife photograph.
How to take wildlife photographs that are more creative.


You need a digital camera (DSLR or mirrorless) as well as a basic understanding of its settings (aperture, shutter speed and ISO)


Villiers Steyn
I've been taking pictures since I can remember. I was our high school photographer growing up in Pretoria, photographing everything from sporting and social events to stage shows and class photos. My camera never left my side in the seven years after school when I completed my Masters in Nature Conservation, focusing on the movement patterns and densities of leopards in the majestic Tuli North Game Reserve in Botswana After graduating in 2008, I launched my own photography business, Vision Photography , and embarked on another exciting seven-year journey, this time as a freelance travel writer My love for people and teaching made adding a photographic safari guide to my repertoire in 2010 a natural evolution for me as a photographer. There are few things as rewarding as sharing a beautiful sighting with my guests, and even more so when I am able to help them capture those memories through the lens of a camera.


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