The Ultimate Guide to Using Off Camera Flash 

— Bernie Raffe



About This Course

The course goes right back to basics, but also covers advanced topics. You'll learn about the equipment, what to buy and what not to buy if on a tight budget. It demonstrates how to put the gear together, how to modify it, and shows various ways of triggering the flashes, Exposure is covered in great details, with one video on each of the 5 aspects of exposure. Come with me on these photo sessions, and watch as I talk through the camera and flash settings and take (mostly) great photos with (mostly) gorgeous models, using a fun teaching style. A bonus video on product photography is included, a DIY setup that can provide spectacular results. Great for eBay or just making some money on the side. Designed for beginners (although not not complete beginners), through to enthusiasts and professionals, on completing this course you'll have the knowledge and confidence to start taking beautifully lit portraits.


Bernie Raffe
I'm a professional photographer based in UK, I'm originally from London's East End where I grew up in the 50's and 60's. I've been passionate about photography ever since my parents bought me my first camera when I was just 11 years old (a Kodak Brownie 127)! I'm qualified as a photographer to 'Associate' level with both the MPA (Master Photographers Association), and the SWPP (Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers) in the UK. I've taught other professionals at various conventions, and I'm also a guest speaker on cruise ships, plus I'm in demand as a speaker to beginner and keen amateurs at camera clubs.


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