— institute photography



About This Course

The comprehensive IOP® Certificate online course is perfect for complete beginners or for those who want to improve their photography skills.

Acquired Knowledge

The comprehensive IOP® Certificate in Photography online course is perfect for complete beginners or for those who want to improve their photography skills.
15 in-depth units giving you the essential photography knowledge in easy to manage sections
CPD Accredited IOP® Certificate in Photography (pdf)


Camera,Any digital camera that allows you to control the manual settings is perfect for this course
Even the most basic compact cameras offer that functionality these days
Look at your camera manual – can you change the aperture, shutter speed and ISO settings? If so, your camera is fine for the course
,,Equipment,Any PC, Mac, laptop, tablet or smartphone is suitable for viewing the course and course videos
,A reasonable broadband internet connection


The Institute of Photography
The Institute of Photography (or IOP®) was founded by photography and online photography course experts to help people increase their skills from the comfort of their own home. We don’t believe that you have to sit in a classroom to take part in valuable learning and the internet has made online learning a viable option for everyone. It is our aim to enthuse everyone about the possibilities of online photography courses. You don’t need any special skills or qualifications to take a beautiful picture and once you have completed one of our online photography courses, you should be taking photographs that will impress your family and friends.


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