— Brian Jackson




About This Course

Welcome to our extensive collection of video tutorials on GIMP, the free and powerful graphic design software. This comprehensive course covers a wide range of topics, from basic techniques to advanced concepts, ensuring you have all the knowledge and skills to create stunning graphics and 3D book covers.

The course begins with an overview of GIMP and its features. You'll learn essential tips and tricks for navigating the course, including how to adjust the playback speed and use bookmarks to easily access specific sections.

The "Install and Use the GIMP to Create Logos and Graphics" section consists of nine sessions that guide you through the process of installing and configuring GIMP. You'll learn how to reconstruct the standard GIMP window layout, start and stop GIMP windows efficiently, and create logos and web graphics using this versatile software. The section also covers useful skills like capturing screenshots, cropping and resizing images, and exporting your creations.

In the "Selection and Layers with a Pool Table and Balls" section, you'll explore techniques for working with selections and layers. Through nine sessions, you'll learn how to select and fill areas of an image, apply gradients to pool balls, create shadows using layer masks, and composite multiple elements to create visually compelling images.

The course also covers topics such as using light and shadows to enhance your designs, manipulating photos for enhancement and correction, creating text effects, and even designing book covers for free. Each section includes multiple sessions that provide step-by-step instructions and demonstrations, ensuring you grasp the concepts and techniques thoroughly.

Whether you're a beginner looking to master the basics or an intermediate user aiming to refine your skills, our GIMP tutorials offer something for everyone. The course covers everything from the fundamentals of image manipulation and design theory to advanced topics like using a Wacom drawing tablet, creating 3D book covers, and exploring various GIMP filters.

Throughout the course, you'll have the opportunity to engage in hands-on exercises and projects, allowing you to practice what you've learned and apply your newfound knowledge to real-world scenarios.

So, if you're ready to unleash your creativity, join our comprehensive video tutorial series. Learn at your own pace, explore the vast array of features and techniques, and become a proficient user capable of creating stunning graphics, logos, and 3D book covers.

Enroll now and discover the endless possibilities of GIMP for graphic design and visual storytelling. Let your imagination soar and bring your artistic visions to life!

Acquired Knowledge

Install and run the GIMP
Make logos, web graphics and screen shots
Create 2D and 3D book covers
Make memes and distribute them on Facebook
Produce graphics appropriate for use on the 8 major social media websites
Use Wordpress with HTML to display web graphics
Use the GIMP to touch up your photos


Brian Jackson
Brian Jackson is a prominent photographer renowned for his innovative approach to capturing everyday moments. His work stands at the intersection of art and documentary photography, consistently delivering authentic narratives through the visual medium. Originally from the United Kingdom, Brian has dedicated his life to exploring the world through his lens, his travels informing his unique perspective on human nature and the environments we inhabit. His work has spanned various genres, from street and travel photography to portraiture and architecture. Brian’s unique style draws heavily from his fascination with light and its interplay with the environment. His photographs often incorporate dramatic contrasts of light and shadow, lending a certain depth and complexity to his compositions. This dedication to capturing the subtleties of light can be traced back to his early years, when he first started experimenting with different lighting conditions. Brian’s ability to capture the spirit of his subjects has led to a series of successful exhibitions and published works. His photographs are not just about aesthetic beauty but aim to reveal a deeper understanding of his subjects, whether they're individuals or cityscapes. His work has been recognized for its authentic portrayal of people in their everyday environments, their joys, struggles, and moments of introspection beautifully frozen in time. Additionally, Brian is also passionate about sharing his expertise with the next generation of photographers. He regularly conducts workshops, lectures, and mentoring sessions, helping aspiring photographers refine their skills and develop their own unique photographic voices. Through his photography, Brian Jackson continues to contribute to the broader dialogue of contemporary photography. His relentless pursuit of genuine moments and unique perspectives ensures that his work remains relevant, engaging, and inspiring.


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