— Irene Rudnyk




About This Course

Join Irene Rudnyk to learn her secrets for posing and styling models. For some photographers, posing and styling are the last things they think about when planning a photo shoot, but this is your chance for ultimate creative freedom and further developing your signature style. You won’t always have professional models in front of your camera, or the assistance of a stylist on a shoot, and it is your responsibility as the photographer to guide the subject through the process.

Acquired Knowledge

Irene challenges you to consider styling and posing just another photographic technique to master, and in this class she gives you a strong foundation for posing and styling your subjects, and inspires you to go out and try it yourself. From making a strong first impression to more advanced posing techniques, you’ll learn what you need to feel confident posing your subjects on your future photo shoots.


Irene Rudnyk
Irene is a portraiture photographer inspired by feminine beauty. She works to capture the woman in front of her camera in a more creative, romantic manner, putting a lot of thought into the environment and details of the photo to create a visually pleasing and feminine version of the finished product. Irene enjoys helping other photographers with tutorials, behind the scenes, and DIY videos.


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